Friday, April 4, 2008

Accidents on The Road

I just heard word about Armor for Sleep [great band...] They had ANOTHER accident on the road, touring, trying to get and play their music for the fans. Jet Lag Gemini [another favorite] had another such experience recently along with bad weather, cancellations....The Cab, The High Court [ got it - awesome musicians...] cracked up the vans as well....I am sure this is one of the many risks invloved in piling up the miles on the odometer, different city every night, every day, one after's the life. Thankfully none of these guys are hurt, they are all still on the road. Catch them when you can.

I always wanted to be a part of that life, I wanted it so bad, when I was a kid I played in a band in NJ, NY....that's as far as it got - we were A-holes, into the scene, the party, never got much further than here - we were huge here and in the next town, maybe a couple counties. Lacked focus, maybe, I don't know. The life is not for everybody. I still play every day, I write, I love it, I love new music, I listen all the time. I love Armor, I love The High Court, Jet Lag, The Cab, it's all real valid, incredible music, great guys.

Many people idolize this life but they don't drive in the vans, they don't go without showers, without rest, food , eat whatever they can, is a bitch and 1/2 but I have NEVER heard one of these guys complain. They are a different breed than most anyone I know. People, fans, go see the show, end of story. Maybe that's best. Just remember when these guys are on the way to your city most have been through a rough road, are mostly broke and there for you because they love the music and they love the fans.
Hey, rock and rollers, drive safe!!! If you want me to steer the bus, I am game and I am a decent photographer and guitar player as well...hey, it ain't ever too late!!!!!

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